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Need to speak to someone about your account?
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Why do I need a Transport Provider account?
In order to share information collaboratively, we're asking that our Transport Providers sign up and use this platform with us.
How do I delete my account?
In order to delete your account, login to the site and view your profile. On your profile page, there will be the option to delete your account. Once you have deleted your account, all personal data will be removed from the system. Comments or ...
Why do I need to verify my email address?
We want to grant access to the right people/organisations, so we ask for verification to ensure people say who they are.
Why do I need to submit my LAN application?
The Office for Traffic Commissioner (OTC) asks that a Local Authority Notification is attached with each planned registration change.
Why does my account have to be activated?
We want to grant access to the right people/organisations, so we activate accounts on sign-up.